Since the ESA requires an employer to indicate the amount of money allocated to vacation pay, the CEC proposed to add the language of vacation pay to the collective agreement. In the past, colleges have treated vacation pay as part of a full-time faculty member`s salary. Two twelfths of the annual salary is paid during the two months of summer vacation. The CEC proposed to include the practice in the collective agreement. While colleges are required to automatically enroll you in Extended Health Care, please note that standard coverage applies to personal insurance. Be sure to complete the Sun Life Positive Enrolment Form for Group Insurance Benefits to formally indicate your decision to participate in available benefit entitlements, with individual or family coverage. Effective January 2019, a new Ontario government has reversed many of the amendments made to Bill 148 (including changes to equal pay rules) made by Bill 47, the Making Ontario Open for Business Act, 2018. However, the European Union argued that the agreement reached between the parties during previous negotiations was still an obligation to resolve the equal pay dispute. Accordingly, the parties sought clarification from an arbitrator.
Optional life insurance, medical, dental and paraprofessional services are part of a package of remuneration negotiated by OPSEU for all partial-load faculties and their relatives under the Academic Pay Equity Plan, and we strongly recommend that you benefit from these benefits, especially extended healthcare whose premiums are fully paid by the university during periods of employment contract. . . .