Florida Board of Medicine Collaborative Agreement

As a healthcare professional in Florida, understanding the state`s legal requirements for collaborative practice agreements (CPAs) is crucial. The Florida Board of Medicine regulates the practice of medicine in the state, including the requirements for CPAs.

A collaborative practice agreement is a legal document that allows Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners (ARNPs) and Physician Assistants (PAs) to collaborate with physicians in the care of patients. This agreement outlines the responsibilities of each healthcare provider and ensures that patients receive high-quality care.

The Florida Board of Medicine requires that all ARNPs and PAs have a CPA with a supervising physician in order to practice in the state. This agreement must be signed by both parties and filed with the Florida Department of Health. The CPA must also include the scope of practice for the ARNP or PA, the specialties or subspecialties they are authorized to practice in, and the conditions under which the agreement can be terminated.

The Board of Medicine also requires that the supervising physician be licensed in Florida and actively practicing in the same specialty as the ARNP or PA. Additionally, the supervising physician must review and approve any medication orders or treatment plans created by the ARNP or PA.

Failure to comply with the requirements for a CPA can result in disciplinary action by the Florida Board of Medicine. This can include fines, suspension or revocation of licensure, and legal action.

In summary, understanding the requirements for collaborative practice agreements in Florida is essential for healthcare professionals who wish to practice in the state. By ensuring compliance with the regulations set forth by the Board of Medicine, healthcare providers can provide high-quality care to their patients while avoiding legal and disciplinary issues.

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