Since the in-company sales model does not allow for the creation of alternating agency relationships for all agents as soon as an agent made an offer or collaborated with a buyer, it was necessary to obtain the client`s authorization before actually establishing an agency relationship. This was done as part of the „business-related“ disclosure of the Agency`s initial disclosure. However, given that the agency was initially to be open before a true agency relationship had been set up, the text of the disclosure related to the business was somewhat complicated. The form asked the potential client to grant „restricted authorization“ to an agent they can „hire“ to act as a dual agent if, in the future, a situation were to „emerge“ with a dual agency. Except as otherwise provided in the agency agreement, an agent may not disclose the confidential facts of the principal agent relationship. In return for the services provided by the agent, the client will compensate financially. Any breach of the obligations due to the contracting authority may potentially give rise to legal liability for breach or breach of the obligation. IC 25-34.1-10-12.5 Version a Licensee Insurance Note: This version of the section is valid until 01.07.2014. See also the following version of this section, valid from 7-1-2014. Section 12.5. (a) A single licensee associated with a prime broker represents only the client with whom the licensee collaborates in an internal agency relationship.
A client represented by a single licensee associated with a principal broker is represented only by that licensee, to the exclusion of all other licensees. (d) A principal broker, a management broker and any related lessee shall exercise due diligence and necessary to protect all material or confidential information that a client discloses to the client`s internal agent. (e) In all internal agency relationships, a principal broker, a managing broker and a licensee have only real knowledge and information. There is no agency, knowledge or information between clients, the main broker, the broker manager and the licensee. As added by P.L.130-1999, SEC.17. If two different licensees working for the same prime broker participate in a transaction where one represents the seller and the other the buyer, the lead broker is a double agent. . . .