However, a disagreement has arisen over a handful of teams that have a unique name, such as the Miami Heat, Orlando Magic and Colorado Avalanche. Some sports journalists use plural posts to keep consistency: jazz drops suddenly. Others think it`s more natural to treat these names as singular: The Heat is a favorite that can be repeated as NBA champions. As opinions are divided, we advise you to go with what sounds best for you. Approval or rejection of a grammatical rule does not change anything. The rule of the subverbation agreement with respect to collective names is what it is——— whether it is „respectfully contradicted“ or not. This is the last contribution to this grammatical curse, the subject-verb agreement. To check the basic concepts in the previous articles, you can read Part 1, Part 2 or Part 3. Like this, the three free online quizes to test your knowledge. The theme of this rate is one percent.
Fractions and percentages, such as team and staff, can be either singular or plural depending on the purpose of the next preposition. In this case, the American is the subject of the preposition of. Since Americans are plural, one percent becomes plural in interest. In the example, the word the is not necessary and the word richest seems to be an adjective that lacks a word to change. Also, the understood word is misused. What does Einsohn himself think of this construction? In his list of 25 „frequent perplexities and controversies in the subject-verb concordance“, the percentage is 20: fractions and percentages can be either singular or plural, depending on the purpose of the next preposition. In this special sentence, since Workforce is a singular noun with plural connotations like jury, company, orchestra, community, etc., the author can use either a singular verb or a plural. (Similarly, our rule 1 of number writing says, „Write all numbers beginning a sentence.“ It follows that we are disoriented by collective nouns, conditions (I include percentages) and the apostrophe. To further insult literacy, spelling has become an uncomfortable uncomfortable. However, if we remove the word „two“ from your sentence, it would be written in formal American English as „fifty percent of mangoes are corrupt.“ The theme of your rate is 50%. . .