Bootstaufe auf den Namen Mariëtta Video Bewertung: 3 / 5
I’m not so worried that they are speaking German, but more the fact that they can’t seem to consume any of that alcohol 🙁
I had a cousin charged with „intent to consume alcohol“. Maybe this is what the police found when they arrived at my cousins party. We should start a class in getting the glass to your mouth :p
ehh? would you please speak a normal idiom that everybody could understand. Languages in world should be only English, Spanish, and maybe Portuguese. and that’s all.
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I’m not so worried that they are speaking German, but more the fact that they can’t seem to consume any of that alcohol 🙁
I had a cousin charged with „intent to consume alcohol“. Maybe this is what the police found when they arrived at my cousins party. We should start a class in getting the glass to your mouth :p
ehh? would you please speak a normal idiom that everybody could understand. Languages in world should be only English, Spanish, and maybe Portuguese. and that’s all.